

Your _Profile_ page lets you change your personal and contact details, password and preferences.

*A * The top menu gives you direct access to the other pages in the CMRF portal.

*B * If your preferred salutation is not in the list provided, you can select _Other_ to enter it.

*C * Your format _preferences_ will ensure information is displayed in the way you prefer it.

*D * If the institution with which you're associated isn't in the list provided, select _Other_ to enter it.

*E * If you select _Automatically_ for _Clear filters_, your filters will not be restored when you return to the _List all applications_ or _List all grant reports_ pages.

*F * Remember to click this button after changing any of your preferences.

*G * Only enter anything into the _password_ field if you wish to change your password.

*H * Remember to click this button after changing any of your profile details.

If you can't find the information you need, please use the contact form at the bottom of this page to send an inquiry to the Canterbury Medical Research Foundation.

Dashboard | Applications | List all applications | Grant type filter | Funding round filter | Status filter | Page reload | Application process | Guides for application types | Don Beaven Travelling Fellowship | Project Grants | Summer Studentships | Travel Grants | Grants in Aid | MRI Scan Research | Dame Malvina Major Travelling Fellowship | Post Graduate Publishing Bursary | Project Grant Expression of Interest | Wine and Art Auction Grant | Earthquake Research Grant | Emerging Researcher Fellowship | Cardiac Researcher Fellowship Grant | Te Whatu Ora Emerging Research Grant | Create new application | List all grant reports | Personal options | Profile | Log out | Welcome | Messages